miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

Wed, 05 Mar 2008 0:49 AM PST

Slovenia backs Kosovo secession


Slovenia has recognised the independence of Kosovo - the first former Yugoslav republic to do so.

The parliament in Ljubljana voted overwhelmingly in favour of a request from the Slovenian government.

Kosovo's declaration of independence last month was recognised by the US and much of the EU but strongly opposed by Serbia and Russia.

There are fears that Slovenia's move could affect its extensive trade with Serbia and prompt economic reprisals.

The proposal to recognise Kosovo - seen by Belgrade as part of Serbia - was carried by 57 votes to four in the Slovenian parliament.

The Slovenian government, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, had argued that Kosovo's independence from Serbia would help stability in the Balkans.


 Mi opinión: Eslovenia reconocio la independencia de Kosovo sin embargo este reconocimiento trae consecuencias puesto que Serbia no la ha reconocido ni lo hara según declara, por lo cual paises como eslovenia que tienen un extenso comercio con Serbia se veran afectados pues Serbia tomara represiones y una de estas puede ser terminar sus relaciones politicas y comerciales con eslovenia.


Wed, 05 Mar 2008 0:49 AM PST

UN 'reclaims' Kosovo rail line

Many Serb workers are refusing to work for Kosovo's rail firms

The UN mission in Kosovo has said it retook control from Serbia over a northern railway line in the territory.

Unmik said its move "reverses the challenge" to its authority from Belgrade over the 50km (30-mile) line in the Serb-dominated part of Kosovo.

On Monday, Serbia's state-run railway company said it had taken over the Lesak-Zvecan railway line.

Belgrade and Kosovo Serbs refuse to recognise Kosovo's declaration of independence last month.

Tension in the region has risen sharply since the unilateral move by the authorities in Pristina on 17 February.

Last week, some 150 Kosovo Serb police officers were suspended for refusing to take orders from the ethnic Albanian authorities in Kosovo's capital, Pristina.


 Mi opinión: la Liga de las naciones Unidas tomo parte en el conflicto de la línea de tren que Serbia le había quitado a Kosovo, sin embargo las Naciones Unidas solamente aclararon su desacuerdo con Serbia y el hecho de que se hayan apropiado de la línea de tren, sin embargo ninguna otra medida se ha llevado a cabo, el asunto no se  ha resuelto y aparentemente Serbia se quedara con la línea del tren y los problemas continuaran pues una declaración de las Naciones Unidas no es suficiente medidas mas efectivas son necesarias.

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