miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008


Kosovo Serbs seize UN courthouse

Kosovo Serbs are refusing to recognise Pristina's authority

Hundreds of Kosovo Serbs have taken over a UN courthouse in the northern Kosovo town of Mitrovica, raising a Serbian flag to replace the UN's.

The protesters broke into the building in the Serb-dominated part of the city, forcing UN police to retreat.

A Kosovo police spokesman said a UN official was negotiating with Serb leaders to try to resolve the issue.

Kosovo Serbs and Serbia have refused to recognise Kosovo's declaration of independence last month.

Most EU states and the US have recognised Pristina's unilateral move.


 Mi opinión: La inestabilidad en Kosovo continua pues el problema de etnicidad divide al país ya que los Kosovares Serbios no estan de acuerdo con la independencia y siguen manifestando su desacuerdo en protestas o en sucesos como el de esta noticia en los cuales remplasaron la bandera de las naciones unidas con la de Serbia,

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