miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

Más Noticias...

Thursday, 28 February 2008, 22:40 GMT

Kosovo partition scheme opposed


The EU and US have said Kosovo will not be split in two because of the divide between ethnic groups there.

"There will be no partition of the country, that is not foreseen," EU special envoy Pieter Feith told a news conference in Vienna.

In Bulgaria, delegations from Kosovo and Serbia met for the first time since independence was declared last Sunday.

Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic told Balkan foreign ministers that as long as Serbia existed, Kosovo never would.

 He said Kosovo would not belong to the world community of sovereign nations and Belgrade would appeal to the International Court of Justice in The Hague over the legitimacy of Kosovo's declaration.

Mr Jeremic appealed to the international community to defer decisions on recognising Kosovo before a ruling was made.

The head of Kosovo's chamber of commerce, Besim Beqaj, attended the gathering under a United Nations banner, the only way Mr Jeremic said he was prepared to accept Kosovo's presence.

Mr Beqaj said that when he spoke, the Serbian delegation did not stay in the room, a statement that could not be confirmed.

Mi opinión: delegados de Serbia y Kosovo se juntaron por primera vez desde la independencia de Kosovo. Sebia aun no ha aceptado la independencia de Kosovo. La union Europa y estados unidos declararon que Kosovo no va a ser dividida en dos regiones por el problema de etnicidad.


Mon, 03 Mar 2008 4:25 AM PST

Serbia 'retakes' Kosovo rail line

Serbia has retaken control of a stretch of railway line in northern Kosovo, a senior Serb official has said.


Branislav Ristivojevic, who heads Serbia's state-run railway company, said Belgrade had restored control over the 50km (30-mile) Lesak-Zvecan line.

 Earlier, Serb rail workers stopped a train on the line, saying they would not work for Kosovo's rail firms.

Belgrade and Kosovo Serbs refuse to recognise Kosovo's declaration of independence last month.

Last week, some 150 Kosovo Serb police officers were suspended for refusing to take orders from the ethnic Albanian authorities in Kosovo's capital, Pristina.

All are based in the same area of the south-east and they are asking to be put under the direct command of the local United Nations mission (Unmik).

The Kosovo Police Service (KPS) said talks were under way with Serb officers working in other parts of the south.

Serb KPS officers in the northern Serb stronghold around Mitrovica already only take orders from Unmik.

Some 700 ethnic Serbs serve in the 7,000-strong KPS, created by Unmik after it took control of Kosovo at the end of the 1998-99 war




Mi opinión: Kosovo esta enfrentando los problemas de surgir como un nuevo estado nación, pues el hecho de que Serbia no este de acuerdo con su independencia afecta la estabilidad del país, Serbia se apropio de la linea de tren Lesak-Zvecan del nuevo estado. 

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